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Promoting Interaction and Engagement in Synchronous Classes: Four Examples

June 10, 2021
Planning synchronous classes, such as Zoom sessions, can be challenging, especially for instructors who are accustomed to on-campus instructional interaction with their students. To facilitate planning synchronous sessions, we developed four example “lesson plans” that illustrate strategies to promote interaction and engagement. The examples draw on McAlpine’s (2004) four-part model for designing instruction: engagement, informing,…

Create (and Answer) a Learner Information Survey to Initiate Belonging, Presence, and Community

June 8, 2021
In an online or technologically-enhanced course, one important challenge is how to cultivate a sense of learning community, immediacy, and belonging. This feeling of “connectedness” and perceived “presence” is thought to be a significant factor for student success in online academic classes (Garrison & Arbaugh, 2007). Likewise, efforts to develop a sense of belonging can…

Post an Introduction Video to Welcome Students to Your Course

March 2, 2020
If one of the central goals of higher education is “deep and meaningful learning” as Rourke, Anderson, Garrison, and Archer suggest (1999), it is important to consider how to best capitalize on the ease and abundance of interaction in online courses to facilitate this type of learning (p. 3).  In their Community of Inquiry Model,…

Create a Case Method Group Activity to Engage Students in Critical Thinking

September 30, 2019
The case method group activity is an instructional design strategy that involves faculty members providing one or more case studies to which groups of students respond. The case(s) could be a real-life case or simulation. It could be description of key concept(s) applied, a story or scenario, an actual case study, a problem or mystery,…

Design a Synchronous Learning Environment that Promotes Community, Interactivity, and Equity

December 4, 2018
Description As institutions continue to pilot and implement models where students in remote or satellite locations join an existing on-campus classroom through a videoconferencing system, the literature shows that these environments fall short as an extension of that classroom. It is not enough to add video conferencing technology where the remote students end being spectators…

Facilitate Student Participation in a Virtual Conference of a Professional Association

October 24, 2016
Description Regardless of academic discipline, educational programs in the realm of higher education are charged with preparing graduates with the skills, knowledge, and dispositions needed for the workplace (Trede, Macklin, & Bridges, 2012). Part of this preparation entails scaffolding the development of students’ professional identity so they can “develop a sense of who they are…

Use Digital Communication Tools to Enhance Online Communities of Inquiry

October 20, 2016
Description Learning online may be an isolating experience which may lead to student attrition. Digital communication tools may help to enhance online communities of inquiry and address students’ feelings of social connectedness, perceived instructor presence, cognitive engagement, and persistence. Research shows that faculty use of various new media and communication tools (including social media) may…

Choose a Discussion Facilitator

April 6, 2015
Description While students may express a desire for more student-centered collaboration in the discussions, they may not fully understand the responsibility required to achieve it (Kanuka et al., 2007). Along with a thoughtful discussion prompt, facilitation during the discussion is often necessary to support students to engage in critical discourse (DeSmet et al., 2008; Maurino…