September 30, 2019
The case method group activity is an instructional design strategy that involves faculty members providing one or more case studies to which groups of students respond. The case(s) could be a real-life case or simulation. It could be description of key concept(s) applied, a story or scenario, an actual case study, a problem or mystery,…
December 3, 2018
Good course design involves alignment of course and lesson objectives with relevant activities and assessments.
October 24, 2016
Description Peer review is a strategy steeped in the social interaction proposed as essential to cognitive development by scholars such as Bruner and Vygotsky (Price, O’Donovan, & Rust, 2007; Hughes, Ventura, & Dando, 2004). Peer review involves small groups or pairs of students sharing work with one another, creating an environment where students can develop…
October 20, 2016
Description Numerous studies have found that students who use simulations to learn concepts then subsequently demonstrate higher test scores than students using traditional lecture and discussions to cover the same material. Thus, the research indicates that online students could benefit from properly designed simulations (Porter, 2004). Individual instructors have two basic choices for obtaining simulations:…
April 2, 2015
How should you organize your content? Based on cognitive information processing (CIP) research (Mayer, 2001 & 2005), it is recommended to break down information into smaller, more manageable pieces or “chunks.”
March 30, 2015
An advance organizer is relevant introductory materials presented in advance in any format of text, graphics, or hypermedia (Ausubel, 1968). Instructors may use an advance organizer to present a framework for module content.