Online/blended learning pedagogical practices are organized into three categories: Course Content, Interaction, and Assessment. Assessment is a fundamental component of the educational process that involves evaluating and measuring students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and understanding. It serves as a tool to gauge the effectiveness of teaching methods and learning outcomes. Assessments can take various forms, including quizzes, exams, essays, projects, presentations, and practical demonstrations.
Key Functions of Assessment:
- Measuring Student Learning: Assessments provide insights into how well students have grasped the course material.
- Providing Feedback: They offer valuable feedback to students on their progress and areas needing improvement.
- Informing Instruction: Assessments help instructors identify which teaching strategies are effective and which need adjustment.
- Motivating Students: They encourage students to engage with the material and strive for improvement.
- Ensuring Accountability: Assessments hold both students and educators accountable for the learning process and outcomes.
Effective assessment strategies are aligned with course objectives and are designed to be fair, transparent, and supportive of student learning.
Featured Articles
Collect Student Feedback Using Course Evaluations
When instructors adopt the stance that course evaluations are an opportunity to improve courses and decidedly use this as an opportunity for changes to be made, better-quality teaching arises (Golding & Adam, 2016).Read More
Collect Student Feedback Using Course Evaluations
When instructors adopt the stance that course evaluations are an opportunity to improve courses and decidedly use this as an opportunity for changes to be made, better-quality teaching arises (Golding & Adam, 2016).Read More
Recent Articles
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