Video self-modeling (VSM) is an effective and engaging method for strengthening a student’s reading and speaking fluency; it has been a popular tool used for decades to effectively improve individuals’ behaviors and skills (Prater, Carter, Hitchcock, & Dowrick, 2012). This activity provides students with an opportunity to watch and listen as they model a skill of interest; in this case, a Spanish speaking exercise. During this exercise, students can see correct execution of the skill and mirror the behavior (Ortiz et al., 2011). For this activity, students are expected to create the videos (or slide shows) by following directions from the instructor, thoughtfully observe and assess their recorded videos (their own and their peers), and then provide positive and meaningful feedback via an online discussion board. The overarching goal for this activity is to promote increased reading and speaking fluency among the students, as well as self-awareness of their fluency skills in the language.
Link to example artifact(s)
- Instructor: Dr. Shaun Bauer
- Course Title: Intermediate Spanish Language and Civilization I, University of Central Florida (online)
Speaking Activity 2-Una ciudad interesante: Create a narrated slideshow about a city located in a Spanish-speaking country. Include at least five details and tourist attractions of the destination. The presentation should be between 60 to 90 seconds in length, entirely in Spanish. Watch three of your classmates’ presentations and comment on them in 50-100 words in written Spanish or in 30 seconds in Spoken recorded Spanish. Follow the technical instructions found on this page, “How to Create Narrated Slideshows”, to create and upload your presentation to the discussion board.
Student Example

Link to scholarly reference(s)
Barrett-Greenly, T., Bennett, L., & Seilhamer, R. (2015). Use video self-modeling software to strengthen reading and speaking fluency. In B. Chen & K. Thompson (Eds.), Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository. Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida Center for Distributed Learning.