Use Self Tests to Guide and Motivate Students’ Learning

Description Self‐assessment can play a central role in learning, revisions and review (Andreade & Du, 2007; Weimer, 2010). The self‐assessment process involves a complex process of internalization and self‐regulation, and with implications for research and practice. “Researchers see criteria‐referenced self‐assessment as a key component of self‐regulation with the potential to scaffold other components, including goal‐setting, …

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Provide Formative Feedback for Student Success in Interactive Assessments

Description Research suggest that faculty interacting with and providing constructive feedback to students were significantly and positively related to students’ learning gains in professional skills (Bjorklund, Parente, & Sathianathan, 2004). If students work on an assignment which does not exemplify the best they can do to meet the assignment criteria, they are allowed to revise …

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Use Group Evaluation to Assess Group Work

Description In team-based learning, students work in groups on outcome-based or problem-based assignments. Assessing the work produced by teams, however, presents a significant challenge, and this difficulty is especially prominent in online environments. Developing and implementing a transparent assessment process that both supports and recognizes individual and group learning can generate a powerful combination of …

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Evaluate the Usefulness of Technology Tools in Teaching and Learning

Description Research has shown that technology doesn’t really guarantee learning, but meaningful uses of technology can engage students but also improve learning (Kozma, 1994; Mayer, 2003). It is important to evaluate technology adoption practices for continuous improvement in teaching and learning. The technology acceptance model (TAM) is a survey instrument that has been widely-used to …

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Peer review badge Create Discussion Rubrics

Description While faculty might hope that students can “just discuss” a topic online with little or no support, Beckett, Amaro‐Jiménez, and Beckett (2010) found that “even doctoral students may need explicit grading instructions, and therefore provide rubrics and sample responses while not stifling creativity” (p. 331). Rubrics provide clear expectations for students regarding how an …

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Collect Student Feedback Using Course Evaluations

Description University faculty often receive course evaluations from students, but it is rare that these evaluations are used to improve teaching methods or course design (Golding & Adam, 2016). This reluctance is often due to instructor perceptions of course evaluations as lacking validity and reliability, but according to a study done by Benton and Cashin …

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Reduce Cheating

Description There are five common academic dishonesty practices. Online faculty members need to be aware of them and take them into consideration while designing their courses. Plagiarism – using another person’s words or ideas without appropriate citation conventions as presented in different Fabrication – making up data, results, information, or number, and recording, and reporting …

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