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Using Low-Stakes Quizzes to Encourage Mastery

December 4, 2018
Information retention and transfer can be enhanced when a learner is given multiple opportunities to recall new information. In an online course, this can be done by integrating low-stakes quizzes that allow multiple attempts and providing meaningful feedback on students’ performance. Offering a low incentive and multiple attempts will help to remove the pressure often associated…

Incorporate a Syllabus Quiz to Orient Students

April 13, 2015
In the online environment, it is important to provide clear expectations, policies, and grading expectations and to ensure that students are familiar with these policies and expectations (California State University, Chico, 2014). You may have a very detailed syllabus. However, students may not carefully read all of these details. By creating a syllabus quiz with…

Use Group Evaluation to Assess Group Work

April 6, 2015
In team-based learning, students work in groups on outcome-based or problem-based assignments. Assessing the work produced by teams, however, presents a significant challenge, and this difficulty is especially prominent in online environments. Developing and implementing a transparent assessment process that both supports and recognizes individual and group learning can generate a powerful combination of interdependency…

Evaluate the Usefulness of Technology Tools in Teaching and Learning

April 6, 2015
Research has shown that technology doesn’t really guarantee learning, but meaningful uses of technology can engage students but also improve learning (Kozma, 1994; Mayer, 2003). It is important to evaluate technology adoption practices for continuous improvement in teaching and learning. The technology acceptance model (TAM) is a survey instrument that has been widely-used to investigate…