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Incorporate Online Group Assessment Through Virtual Posters

June 16, 2022
Assessing knowledge for individual students online can be a challenge, let alone when in groups. Add the remote learning conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the challenges increase even more to offer accessible, inclusive, and equitable learning experiences. Technologies such as Padlet allow remote learners to virtually collaborate on a single product. One such product…

Use Digital Posters for Online Community Introductions

October 21, 2016
Description A sense of community within a course can increase student engagement, persistence, and performance (Rovai, 2002; Vesely, Bloom, & Sherlock, 2007). In asynchronous teaching, creating community can be challenging. Instructors can facilitate a sense of community by providing ways for students to introduce themselves to each other. Glogs (graphic blogs) are interactive electronic posters…