Having students create content-related resources encourages them to feel ownership of what they are learning and influences the level of engagement perceived toward the class (O’Neill, 2005). There are a variety of free mobile applications that facilitate this activity.
Link to example artifact(s)
- Instructor: Steven Hornik, Kenneth Dixon School of Accounting, UCF
- Course title: ACG6415 – Advanced Accounting Information Systems
Hornik incorporates the mobile app called Flipboard, which allows users to create a digital magazine and then add relevant articles from the Web. Users can add comments for each article, as well as invite other users to contribute to the magazine. The magazines can be viewed on any iOS or Android device, as well as on the Web. Hornik created a magazine called “Cybersecurity,” and invited his students to add articles to it, as well as comment on them.
The results were positive. Of the class of 22 students, over 100 articles were added. One of most interesting findings was that there were additional readers and subscribers to the magazine that were not enrolled in the class. In this way, interaction is encouraged among students and also with the larger population that are interested in the subject. The magazine remains after the class is over, allowing students to revisit the articles and continue to contribute.
- View the “Cybersecurity” Flipboard magazine here: https://flipboard.com/section/cybersecurity-bQ0RcU
- Read the corresponding research article.
Link to scholarly reference(s)
O’Neill, T. (2005). Uncovering student ownership in science learning: The making of a student created mini-documentary. School Science and Mathematics, 105(6), 292-301.
deNoyelles, A., & Bennett, L. (2015). Use mobile apps to encourage student-created course content. In B. Chen & K. Thompson (Eds.), Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository. Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida Center for Distributed Learning. https://topr.online.ucf.edu/use-mobile-apps-to-encourage-student-created-course-content/.