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Blogs offer an easy way for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and acquisition outside of the learning management system (EDUCAUSE, 2005).

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  • Instructor: UCF’s Dr. Thomas Brueckner
  • Course Title: PSC1121 Physical Science

UCF physics professor Dr. Thomas Brueckner uses a blog as a tool to communicate with students. He posts class announcements, reminders, and shares resources. The benefits of using a blog for this type of communication are as follows:

  • Organization of content
  • Posts are displayed in reverse chronological order – most recent information always appears first
  • Use of tags to make content easy to find
  • Effective communication tool outside of his online course. Students can subscribe to RSS feeds to have updates pushed to them or visit the blog through link posted inside course.

Explore Dr. Brueckner’s blog at:

Dr. Brueckner's course blog
Dr. Brueckner’s course blog

Link to scholarly reference(s) (2007). Blogs in Plain English [Video file]. Retrieved from

Demski, J. (2012, January 1). Strategies for blog-powered instruction. Campus Technology. Retrieved from

EDUCAUSE. (2005). 7 things you should know about Blogs ( No. ELI7006). Retrieved from


Thompson, K., &Chen, B. (2015). Using blogs as a communication tool. In B. Chen & K. Thompson (Eds.), Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository. Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida Center for Distributed Learning.