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Dr. Baiyun Chen

Dr. Baiyun Chen is a Senior Instructional Designer at the Center for Distributed Learning at the University of Central Florida. She leads the Personalized Adaptive Learning team, designs and delivers faculty professional development programs, and teaches graduate courses on Instructional Systems Design. Her team works in close collaboration with teaching faculty members to design and develop adaptive learning courses by utilizing digital courseware to personalize instruction that maximizes student learning.

Her research interests focus on using instructional strategies in online and blended teaching in the STEM disciplines, professional development for teaching online, and application of adaptive technologies in education. She has served as the Co-Managing Editor of the Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository. In 2016 and 2017, Dr. Chen co-facilitated BlendKit, a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Becoming a Blended Learning Designer. As an Online Learning Consortium Institute faculty, she has also designed, developed and taught the Blended Learning Mastery Series: Research into Practice.

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