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Boosting Engagement in Research in a Synchronous Online Foreign Language Class: Using an E-Conference Format, Peer-Reviewing and Pressbooks

July 6, 2021
In the COVID new normal, many courses have changed modality or had to displace the face-to-face classroom in an e-campus. The problematic for Humanities courses that heavily rely on research and collaboration is how to redefine the connection between instructor and students, and how to create fruitful research collaboration among students in a delocalized synchronous…

Reaching 4 of the 5 ACTFL C’s with the Mixer Language Exchange Site

December 10, 2018
Description Our language exchanges are facilitated by the Mixxer website that was developed by Todd Bryant, which provides a space and search engine to connect with language partners. More details/instructions are available.  For my beginning/intermediate Spanish language classes, students speak with their language partner first in Spanish and then for the second half of the…