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The Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR) is an invaluable open resource for faculty and instructional designers dedicated to enhancing online and blended teaching strategies. Although TOPR is currently operated from the University of Central Florida, TOPR serves as a comprehensive repository that showcases a wide range of teaching strategies, each meticulously drawn from the real-world pedagogical practices of experienced online and blended teaching faculty. These strategies are not only described in detail but are also illustrated with actual course artifacts, providing a concrete understanding of their application. Furthermore, each entry from contributors across the world is thoughtfully aligned with findings from relevant research or professional practice literature, ensuring that the strategies are both practical and evidence-based.

TOPR is more than just a repository for faculty and staff everywhere; it is a collaborative platform that fosters innovation and excellence in online teaching. By sharing best practices and effective strategies, we empower educators to enhance their teaching methodologies and improve student outcomes.

Meet the Editorial Board

From left to right, back: Shelly Wyatt (Editor) and Sue Bauer (Call for Submissions Editor)
Middle: Aimee DeNoyelles (Managing Editor)

At TOPR, the editorial team believes in the power of community and continuous improvement. To maintain the highest standards of quality and relevance, new submissions to TOPR undergo a rigorous peer-review process outlined by the editorial team. This ensures that every entry contributes valuable insights and proven techniques to the growing body of knowledge in online education.

While the editorial team welcomes submissions year-round, there is a designated Call for Submissions period during which entries will receive formal review.

For the upcoming cycle, submissions will be reviewed in Spring 2025. Authors can anticipate feedback and decisions on their submissions by late April or early May of every year, providing timely insights and opportunities for refinement.

Whether you are an experienced educator looking to refine your techniques or a newcomer seeking to explore the possibilities of online teaching, TOPR offers a wealth of resources and inspiration. Join us in this collaborative effort to advance the field of online education and make a meaningful impact on the learning experiences of students everywhere.

Contribute to Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository

Submit your strategy

Call for Submissions take place in the Spring term of each year. New TOPR submissions will undergo a peer-reviewed process and will be managed through STARS.

To submit your strategy and learn more, visit the TOPR Peer Review webpage.

What is STARS?

STARS is our peer-review system for the Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository. STARS stands for UCF’s Showcase of Text, Archives, Research & Scholarship. It is currently accepting submissions by all faculty, staff, students and affiliates of UCF wishing to share their work with a worldwide audience. The intention is to provide access to this work as broadly as possible, and for as long as possible. Administered by the UCF Libraries, STARS stands for UCF’s Showcase of Text, Archives, Research & Scholarship. STARS is available to host and promote research, creative activity, and institutional outputs to…

  • Allow you to share your work while retaining your copyright. If you own the copyright to your work, the copyright for materials uploaded to STARS remains with you.
  • Ensure persistent access to your work
  • Increase discovery of UCF scholarship and creative endeavors
  • Foster scholarly collaborations with colleagues
  • Document and record UCF’s history and progress
  • Discover open access materials and projects created by UCF authors

Contact the UCF Library team at with any comments, questions, or suggestions. 

Suggested Tagging for Contributors

If you need help to add categories in a pedagogical practice page, here are some suggested tags for your reference. We classify all categories into different types, such as tools and theories.

TOPR Staff and Recognition

Editorial board members include:

  • Veronica Diaz, Director, Professional Learning, EDUCAUSE
  • Reid Oetjen, Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Health Management & Informatics, University of Central Florida
  • Susan Wegmann, Executive Director Extended Campus at Southern Illinois University
  • Alec Couros, Professor of Educational Technology & Media, Faculty of Education, University of Regina
  • Charles D. Dziuban, Director, Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness (RITE), University of Central Florida
  • David Wicks, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, Seattle Pacific University
  • Hedi BenAicha, Dean of University Libraries, Lesley University
  • Erin Maney, Manager, Communications and Community Engagement, SUNY Online (The State University of New York)
  • Erika Smith, Associate Professor, Academic Development Centre, Mount Royal University

Emeritus Members of the Editorial Board for TOPR

  • Baiyun Chen, Emeritus Co-Managing Editor, University of Central Florida
  • Kelvin Thompson, Emeritus Co-Managing Editor, University of Central Florida
  • Tana Monaco, Dean of Off-Campus and Distance Learning, Patten University
  • Karen Swan, Stukel Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Illinois Springfield
  • Norman Vaughan, Professor, Education & Schooling Faculty of Teaching & Learning, Mount Royal University
Former TOPR Editorial Board members and editors, Baiyun Chen and Kelvin Thompson, with  Dr. David Wicks. They gain "a moment" with Sloan Consortium Effective Practice Award (and TOPR Editors Chen and Thompson)

TOPR Editorial Board member Dr. David Wicks gets “a moment” with Sloan Consortium Effective Practice Award (and former TOPR Editors Baiyun Chen and Kelvin Thompson)